Corporate Tools 1.3 – Consent Overlays and Dynamic Thumbnails
Corporate Tools 1.3 logically separates data protection and consent management. That's why we also introduce a new tool called Consent Overlays. With Consent Overlays, you protect your visitors' privacy and manage all external services that come with YOOtheme Pro. You can even show map and video thumbnails that will be fetched via API and cached on your website.
What's new?
- Consent Overlays
- Dynamic Thumbnails
Consent Overlays
With Consent Overlays, there is a new data protection tool that suits for all YOOtheme Pro users. Use well-designed overlays to inform your visitors about external services and request their consent before loading the service. No connection will be established to any third-party server unless the visitor has given his consent.
Dynamic Thumbnails
But there is even more: Consent Overlays can automatically fetch and show thumbnails of your map and video content (i.e. Google Maps, OpenStreetMap, Vimeo and YouTube). Simply enter an API key for the corresponding service and watch Corporate Tools doing the rest for you.
Breaking changes
With logical separation of data protection and consent management, there are some breaking changes you have to consider when updating from version 1.2 to 1.3. As Consent Overlays are now responsible for data protection, all Usercentrics settings for services and their integrators will be deleted. Please review the new data protection settings inside the Consent Overlays if they suit your needs.
Also note, that it's now possible to edit all content blocks like Title, Content, Info Button and Consent Button. Please review these content blocks and edit their content if needed. If you run a multilingual website, follow the corresponding instructions in the documentation.
What's next?
Consent Overlays are prepared to communicate with consent management platforms. Therefore, we will integrate more consent management platforms in the future. We also consider a Wordpress version, but this might take some more time. First, we want to finalize the common interface that all systems will rely on. After that we will go one step further and adapt our proven tools to other consent management systems as well.